Does learning music make you smarter?

Does music make you smarter, two woman leaning over a piano for piano lessons.

There are several incredible benefits of learning to play music, and the enticement of learning music making you smarter is typically something those interested in beginning to learn to play an instrument are wondering about. So, does learning music make you smarter? In short yes – it helps with improving mental alertness, and memory, increasing creativity, problem-solving, and concentration.

Studying music engages the brain which helps with not only increasing your music education but also increasing brain functions relating to intelligence that is helpful for any age! Here at PianoCommuters we often see this increase in intelligence helpful with students in their educational experiences and helping increase their early school education.

Curious to know more about how music lessons connect to your brain? Keep reading below to learn more about how playing music can help make you smarter.

 How does learning music make you smarter?

When music interacts with our brain it helps with releasing dopamine. Dopamine then sends signals (through the neurotransmitter) that make you feel happy. As well music helps to challenge the brain into thinking in creative ways which help with divergent thinking. This allows the brain to use both the left and right sides of the brain, and this is more likely to be active than with someone who does not engage in musical training. Music helps with cognitive skills, general intelligence, and simple and complex brain functions. In many studies, it is seen that overall musicians are seen as those of higher intelligence, than those who do not engage in learning music.

Increased Memory

The connection between memory and intelligence is one of the most known benefits of music making you smarter. When you hear one of your favourite songs it can help take you back to a certain memory, you can belt out some of your favourite lyrics or just simply hum along with the melody. All of these things help to boost your memory, which helps with retrieving memories and storing new memories.

It has also been shown that listening to classical music can help with memory retrieval, re-energizing brain pathways, and help keep synapses firing strongly. This is important for anyone of any age, however, for those with a risk of Alzheimer’s or aging this can be a great benefit to music helping memories around longer.

Improving Focus

How does music affect your intelligence with focus and concentration? Playing music helps with improving concentration when you engage in music training you help to block out distractions to focus on the music and improve your music ability. Learning to block out distractions helps improve your focus which helps when learning a new skill and engaging in education. Music and learning engage the brain to help keep your focus and alert sharp and in turn, keep you more engaged overall which makes it easier to concentrate.

Improved Reading Ability

One of the ways music increases intelligence is through improved reading ability, it can help people with being able to hear different sounds and differentiate different words. Music also helps with being able to understand the pattern of language and being able to take several thoughts and understand what is communicated.

Reading musical notes helps you not only become a better musician but also helps people with activating your brain to be able to understand and put together visual symbols to decode them into their musical meanings. This skill translates well to reading, and it helps with being able to decode different words and letters.


Overall music will help increase your intelligence; however, we cannot promise or guarantee you’ll become the smartest person in the room overnight! There are many benefits to learning piano, and the above-mentioned are just a small handful of the reasons to encourage your child to engage in musical lessons (such as our piano lessons) or for yourself at any age to learn the piano! We offer a wide variety of different lessons for different ages, experiences, and skill levels!

Check out our offerings below!


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