Life Skills you can gain from learning piano skills

Lesia teaching piano skills to piano students who is learning life skills from learning the piano.


Have you heard that people who learn to play instruments are more likely to succeed and achieve the goals they set? Do you want to know why that is a common saying? Because it’s true! Music makes you smarter, and in turn, you are more likely to succeed and achieve the goals you set out. So why it is that musicians are typically more successful in life? Learning to play music and more specifically learning the piano skill is helpful with increasing a wide range of skills that translate into helpful life skills. Curious about what these are? Keep reading below to learn more.


Creativity is the ability to create ideas, imagine possibilities, and a way to express oneself through individuality and originality. Increasing your creativity also helps with problem-solving and thinking about alternative solutions and resourcefulness in tackling issues. Throughout life, we are thrown a plethora of curve balls, some predictable and some not. Having creativity and cultivating your creative skills help you with tackling life with creative solutions to help you remain open-minded and broaden your perspectives!

Playing piano helps encourage your creativity skill to grow by engaging and stimulating both sides of your brain, the right and left, and it encourages communication to develop between both sides. As you play or create music you’re hearing and exploring different melodies and notes which helps encourage further exploration and curiosity about what you can create by playing piano!

Time Management

Time management is an important skill to improve and grow over time. Time management allows you effectively and productively use your time to be able to complete goals, milestones, and tasks. It helps encourage people to predict and plan properly for long-term and short-term commitments. Increasing your time management skill can help you feel less stressed, and more prepared for deadlines and help you feel like you can get more work done in less time!

When it comes to piano time management skills, they help you with increasing your skill level over time. How so? Time management skills allow you to plan and set goals for increasing your piano skills and utilizing your piano lessons to help push and motivate yourself forward in your music theory. You can’t become an amazing piano player overnight, and you can’t get lucky and one day “be great”. It takes time, patience and practice to become the piano player you want to and this requires dedicating time to practices, lessons, and learning new songs to increase your piano level. All of this comes down to time management and setting goals for yourself and enough time in the week to complete those goals!


Patience is the ability to not get angry or upset when a delay, or trouble arises. This could mean something is taking you longer to complete than anticipated, it requires a longer waiting period or there is an unknown variable out of your control that impact you moving forward. Patience is helpful when it comes to your long-term goals and dreams and understanding these can take time to accomplish and complete.

Learning how to become a good piano player requires patience. From day 1 of piano lessons, you’re learning patience and your patience will be tested! Learning new songs, new musical pieces, and even just learning music scales and reading sheet music all take time and patience to learn those skills. Even simple and easy piano pieces require time and energy to practice and learn over time. Consistency is key with piano, and what goes hand in hand with consistency – is patience.


Being responsible helps you with learning to be accountable, answerable, and liable. This could be short-term goals, or long-term goals and hold you in trust of completing the task you or another party has set out. As well, responsibility also means accepting the results of your actions, this could be accepting praise or blame for behaviors or actions. Why is this important, it helps provide a sense of purpose and work towards more self-awareness and better control over all of your life.

With piano playing you are expected each piano lesson to come prepared to begin your lessons, to have completed the necessary practice exercises, and to be ready to learn. When learning to play piano there is a lot of repetition and practice involved to increase your piano playing skills. This requires you, outside of piano lessons, to commit and be responsible for ensuring those get completed to advance your learning. As well, when they are unable to be complete to take responsibility for this and make a plan moving forward.


There are so many more life skills you can learn from playing piano, but we hoped you enjoy a quick look into these 4! If you have questions about enhancing your piano skills, or signing your child up for piano kid lessons reach out to us so we can chat and help you learn about what PianoCommuters has to offer!


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