4 Benefits to piano lessons at home

Learning how to play the piano has many benefits, such as increasing focus, promoting creativity, providing a screen break, and building confidence. In addition, learning piano at home can be even more beneficial! You heard that right, on top of learning a new skill, playing at home can enhance your learning experience in a number of ways.

We here at PianoCommuters have your piano teacher come right to your home for in-person lessons. We also have online piano courses for adults learning to play piano so they can also learn in their own home too! 

Let’s dive into how learning to play the piano at home can benefit your learning experience! 

It encourages practicing at home

Home piano lessons can create an environment that is more likely for you or your child to keep up with their practicing. How so you might ask? Having the students be comfortable with the piano equipment or keyboard they’re using helps with building confidence, which in turn encourages them to want to play more. As well, by having them at home they’re more likely to pass by the piano and want to practice for their lessons.

If you have multiple children enrolled in classes this can also help encourage practice when they’re hearing their siblings have their piano lessons within the home. When you or your child pass by the piano several times a day, you're more likely to want to engage in practice and music theory than if the piano is in a location outside of your home. 

Provides a more relaxed environment

Going to a new space, or a space that you don’t often visit can be exciting and distracting to some, while for others this can evoke nerves and confusion. Having piano lessons in your own home helps reduce these distractions and stressors and provides you or your child with an environment with which you’re familiar. In turn, this allows for a more relaxed and engaging learning environment. 

With our piano teachers coming into your space it allows you, the student, to feel a sense of control and ownership over your lessons which translates to being more engaged in how to learn piano. With our online adult classes, you can do them at home on your own schedule which allows you to pick the right time that works for you! 

Piano lessons at home can help reduce family stress with extracurriculars

We’ve all likely been there as kids or parents ourselves. Getting everyone all together, packing snacks and to-go items, packing the car, getting everyone ready and out to the door... Driving the kids to extracurriculars, getting them into their lessons or activities, finding a way to entertain siblings (if applicable). Then, of course, waiting until the lessons or activities conclude, before packing everyone up to go home or onto the next activity. It can be a lot!

Now, just think about private piano lessons in your home where you and your children can stay put. You can have them have access to their toys while their sibling has their lesson, and you can continue with your tasks. You don’t need to pack a million little things into the car before leaving, you can just have your house and space as is. Think about how different that family “outing” can look? With at-home music lessons, our piano teachers can provide private piano lessons in your home, reducing stress not only on parents but the students themselves. 

Online courses allow you to schedule it on your own time

Most of us are running from commitment to commitment most days, and making time for ourselves to engage in meaningful and relaxing hobbies can feel like a low priority. Here at PianoCommuters, we offer a 16-week online course for adult beginners. This allows you to learn at your own pace through videos that you have access to for 6 months. You can create your own at-home lessons during your free time.

Online piano lessons allow you to fit them in when working best for you. We also offer a Facebook group where you can go in and connect with others in the course and get support as needed while you learn. Doing this course at home on your own time also allows you to go at your own pace while creating weekly lesson plans to help with encouraging progress tracking of yourself.

 If you’re interested you can sign up for the course here


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