Fun Piano Songs for Kids to Learn

Piano teacher showing fun piano songs for kids to learn on piano to student.

We here at PianoCommuters love helping your child fall in love with playing piano! One of the best ways we’ve found to engage children in learning piano is to help them identify and learn songs on the piano that they enjoy! Learning music that the child is naturally interested in helps increase their motivation and encourages them to learn new skills. Check out some ideas we have below on easy piano songs that are perfect for children to learn when beginning to learn to play piano.

If you’re having a child starting piano lessons soon, or hoping to reignite their piano learning motivation? Asking your child and learning more about what songs and music excite them can be a powerful tool to help them learn piano. We can also help you with at-home practice strategies for piano practice and outlining the benefits of at-home piano lessons.

Twinkle Twinkle

Twinkle Twinkle little star is a classic! Depending on the age of your child this could be one of their favourite songs and is a great beginner piano song for those learning to play piano. This has a simple melody, and only uses 6 piano keys so it’s a great simple song. This is often a song taught through educational experience, and group activities and is common among most younger children (3-6). If your child enjoys this song let your child’s piano teacher know so they can help with including this song in their piano lessons.

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Like twinkle twinkle, this is one of our most common kids’ songs for those learning to play piano. This song is simple and is commonly known among children through group and educational experiences such as educational institutions or early childhood learning groups. This is one of the piano songs to start with as it has 5 keys total and a slow and simple melody. This is an ideal easy piano song for those just learning to read piano sheet music and for practicing basic skills and piano posture.

Let It Go (Frozen)

When thinking about older children fun piano songs Let It Go from the Disney movie Frozen might be enticing to the student! Let it go can be modified to be an easy piano song and is great for children who enjoy Frozen and singing along. This song has an upbeat and repetitive melody that encourages the child to practice their skills. This song can also be ideal for those with medium to expert skills as this song without adaptations can be more challenging. If your child loves to wander around the house singing the Frozen soundtrack this could be a great way to entice them to practice the piano by learning this kid’s song.

Click here to check out our fun Disney songs for kids to learn on the piano!

Happy Birthday

This is a quick and short piano song that is great as one of your beginner piano songs to add to your repertoire. This song is often sung several times a year and can be a great way to encourage children to learn the song for loved ones’ special days, their special days, or friends’ birthdays. They can learn this song fairly quickly as it has simple piano notes and is for beginners.

The Avengers – Infinity War (Main Theme)

Is your child an Avenger and Marvel fan? Learning The Avengers theme song could be a great way to engage and encourage them to continue learning piano. This song can be modified to be a beginner song with simple melodies and encourage learning music and strengthening sheet music reading skills in children. The modified song of Avengers is in Key of E Minor and can have added skills and added notes to provide a more medium and expert experience as well for those children who are ready for a challenge.  


What’s your child’s favourite song? We encourage you to make a list with your child of songs they like and songs they’d like to learn on piano. Bring that list to one of your piano lessons so our piano teachers can help work with the child on which songs align with their skill and help with teaching the techniques and skills needed for these fun sons. Have questions about our child's piano lessons, let us know!


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