Tips for learning piano as an adult

Learning piano at any age is a great idea, in my opinion. That’s why here at PianoCommuters we support and help all ages of learning piano. Learning to play the piano can be picked up at any point in life, and we make it even easier with a busy life by providing online courses for adults to enroll in and learn piano at their own speed. Gone are the days of excuses such as I don’t have time, don’t know where to start or feel like I’m too late in life to learn a new skill. Our course allows you to learn in the comfort of your own home, at your own speed with support along the way. The Adult Piano Course will make all your excuses go *poof* and have you playing your favourite piano songs and loving your new skill before you know it!

Want more information about our adult piano course – we’re providing your Level 1 of the course for free to try out!

Now onto the tips for learning piano and improving your music theory skills.

Create Goals

One of the best tips for learning piano as an adult is to set goals for yourself. Setting goals as you learn will help keep up your motivation, provide encouragement and satisfaction when goals are achieved. This helps you continue to grow and enhance your piano playing skills and take them to the next level. Start off with small and attainable goals, and as your skill grows so can your goals. To have the best success with your goals share them with a friend or loved one so they can help keep you accountable as you learn.

Set up a Practice Schedule & Piano Routines

Setting up specific times each week for you to play piano can be a great habit to form when leaning to play piano. With our virtual piano lessons, you’ll have pre-recorded lesson from a piano teacher. We recommend trying to schedule out time in advance to going through those online lessons and for playing piano and practicing skills. When you start learning setting up these routines and schedules can really help with ensuring you’re able to find the time and keep with piano learning. When trying to form new habits for new things it’s important to try to create a consistent habit, this can take several months to build up so be patient with yourself as you build your new piano routines.

Learn your favourite songs!

Learning your favourite songs is a great way to stay engaged in learning piano. The newest pop songs, or country songs that you love to jam out to can really help encourage you to keep learning and playing by enjoying learning how to play them on the piano with sheet music. This will help you with encouraging to read music and learn the piano keys. Making your favourite song come to life with your own fingers can be magical and we can help make this a reality with our online piano courses!

Be gentle on yourself and forgiving

One of the best tips (and maybe one of the most overlooked) is be gentle on yourself when learning to play piano as an adult! You can do it, and taking the time to remembers mistakes are okay and they’re how we learn can help with keeping a positive mindset while learning. Most folks think that you can only learn when you’re a child and developing, that’s not true at all. In fact, adults are more likely to continue and keep with piano as they have passion and drive. You’re choosing to want to learn, not being told it’s something you must do (like for some children). When you’re a beginner for piano learning just take your time and take a deep breath when mistakes happen, over time you’ll improve and get better and that is worth being patient for!

Record yourself

This is a simple and incredibly effective piano beginner tip, and in my opinion one of the best way to learn piano for adults. When learning to play piano especially in an online class where the piano teacher is not present it can be helpful to record yourself. This can help you in a number of ways, your posture, hand positioning, rhythm, timing and overall, how you’re playing. This can be helpful to watch back to be able to see how you’re doing and progressing. Remember the note above, be gentle and patient with yourself when watching back your piano playing.

There you have it some amazing tips to help you get started with playing piano as an adult! If you’re interested in starting your piano playing journey check out our Adult courses here!


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